Unititled Space Game

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Level 1: showing AI using line formation with basic ships.
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Level 2: AI is now using a different technique, with a stronger ship.
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The Boss Level. Special UI element for the boss, with AI using avoiding action to not hit the boss.
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The end game screen; allowing the player to view the scoreboard and see how well they performed.
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The main menu; the UI consists of many elements, but is very bare and in dire need of improvements.

This project was done for an assignment in the first year of university. The main goal was to create a basic space game with multiple levels with increasing difficulty, a main menu, basic sound and a scoreboard. My game doesn't contain anything particularly nice; just a basic space game with a few levels. However, it does represent my abilities in Unity, and shows how much knowledge i've gained since first year.

For this project, I have considered porting it to my custom engine (which was used to develop my snake game), or build a new engine using Vulkan for cross-platform reasons. The other idea is to continue working on this using Unity and port it to android as it would be fun and very knowledgeable.


(As of January, 2020)

  • 3 levels with different AI behaviour.
  • Main menu with buttons for options and help menu.
  • Sound and Music which can be disabled.
  • Help menu to display controls and the games objectives.
  • Limited Gamepad support.
  • Multiple power ups, and ship designs.
  • Scoreboard system which is stored on the users PC.

Planned Features:

  • More levels with improved AI behaviour.
  • Improved options menu for control bindings and gamepad options.
  • Possibility to port to Vulkan, with the aim to build a new engine.
  • Splitscreen mode.
  • Improved controls, feels very clunky.
  • Implement volume controls.
