C++ Hot Reloading Project

This project is for my honours degree, and focuses on hot-reloading in C++. The application aims to improve the efficiency when developing application in C++, and is currently work in progress. It works by loading dynamic link libraries (DLLs) into the application and enabling the option to interact with the DLL using an interface; this allows developers to call non-exported functions, run the DLL as an application on a seperate thread, and recompile DLLs which are reloaded instantly by this application.

Developers of the DLL are required to implement the handling of states themselves, in order of the hot-reloading to work. This approach is unique, as this will allow developers to modify class structures, method bodies and static data, which the majority is disabled when using Visual Studio's 'Edit and Continue' mode.

This page will be updated once the project is complete.