Space Bubble Shooter

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This game was done for the Graphics module. Instead of using the SDL library for rendering, it was replaced with OpenGL. The goal for was to build an "Asteroid" clone, with bubbles rather than asteroids. The game engine which was used to build snake was also used for this project, with further implementations including shaders, models and lighting. For me, this was more of a learning curve for shaders and lighting, some futher improving some elements such as collision detection which now includes the ability to check if circles are colliding, (later spheres in the 3D version). The first part of the assignment required this game to be 2D, with a basic projectile system, a level with a boundary and finally, bubbles. The latter part of the assignment required this to be transformed to 3D, with more advanced shading features such as a skybox and lighting.


  • One level.
  • A ship which can be maneuvered and shoot.
  • Point lighting which can be created with custom colours.
  • Skybox utilising a Cube Map.
  • Texture Manager, which is stored in an XML.
  • OBJ Format importer.
  • Bubbles with transparency.

Developed Skills:

  • Developed knowledge of C++.
  • Developed knowledge of OpenGL and shaders.
  • Developed an existing codebase to implement more libraries.

This project vastly improved my knowledge of shaders and made me definiately consider to implement OpenGL into the SDL snake game. The codebase is available on GitHub, seen below. The download is currently not available.
